There’s Science In My Beer!
The Maine Science Festival and Foundation Brewing Company are delighted to announce the first of our series of MSF Pop-up Events: There’s Science in My Beer! Join us on Sunday, February 10th from 1-3pm, for a deep dive into the science of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and oxygen in beer.
We’ll start with a can of Foundation beer to enjoy while building molecule models of CO2, N2 and O2 , talk about how they interact and form new molecules, and then taste beer! Compare a dark beer that is nitrogenated and carbonated, then compare a light beer fresh from draft and one that has been oxidized. Don’t worry – there will be plenty of time for Q&A, and also the opportunity to see Foundation’s lab.
This event will double as a fundraiser for the MSF, and space is limited to 20 participants. Tickets are $15; sign up at Eventbrite:
February 10, 2019, 1-3pm, Foundation Brewing Company, 1 Industrial Way #5, Portland
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