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First MSF Contest a Success!

The 2017 Maine Science Festival (MSF) featured our first ever contest: a Mock Movie Trailer film contest for Maine middle and high school students! Students who entered were tasked with submitting a mock movie trailer about science. The only requirements were that the trailer be no longer than 2:30 minutes, and that science be an integral part of the movie (even though the movie itself doesn’t exist).

We were able to provide cash prizes to the top three entrants in each category: middle school and high school. The winners were also part of the 2017 programming, with their winning films revealed at the MSF on Sunday, March 19th. Our middle school winners came from Reeds Brook Middle School (Hampden) and Tremont Consolidated School (Bass Harbor) and the high school winners were all from Old Town High High School. They are:

Middle School

1st Place: Bryan, Colby, and Mikiko from Reeds Brook Middle School, presenting Outbreak

2nd Place:  Josh from Tremont Consolidated School, presenting Hello Moons

3rd Place: KJ, Liam, and Issac from Reeds Brook Middle School, presenting The Night of the Living Ebola

High School

1st Place:  Zack and Jake from Old Town High School, presenting Chemistry, A Hallogenmark Original Movie

2nd Place:  John and Tony from Old Town High School, presenting HUMAN

3rd Place: Josh from Old Town High School, presenting The Lab

Congratulations to all the students who won, and a giant MSF thank-you to all who participated in our first contest. You can see all the submitted films submitted on our YouTube channel, or watch the full playlist below.

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