Science doesn’t stop in Maine: MSF partners help us keep the focus on science year-round. Check out these public science events, see what’s happening near you, and remember that #scienceiseverywhere!
June 2, 10:00am – 1:00pm Pratt & Whitney North Berwick Career Fair Explore the many opportunities with Pratt & Whitney; attendees are encourage to pre-register using the link above. This is not required, but would offer attendee’s the opportunity to have their resume’s available for viewing prior to the event. To use the texting platform, text “PRATT” to 77000 – a link to our Career Fair information page will be returned. For for anyone who may not be able to make the career fair, visit the website to find open opportunities!
113 Wells Street, North Berwick

June 12, 4:00 – 8:00pm Conservation of Native Bees in Maine. Schoodic Institute is pleased to offer this 4-part program. Dr. Alison Dibble, University of Maine has been studying native bees, off and on, for more than 25 years. She studies bees in Maine, Hawaii, and wherever she goes, including eastern Cuba.
NATURE WALK: The program begins with a one-hour nature walk led by Dr. Dibble to look at ‘Bee habitats on the Schoodic Institute campus’. Participants should meet at 4:00 PM at the entrance to Schooner Commons. Please wear long pants, socks to tuck them into, and closed shoes (tick prevention). Children are welcome. The walk is free and open to the public
DINNER: is at Schooner Commons beginning at 5:30 pm. Dinner menu includes: teriyaki chicken or roasted vegetable terrine with fresh basil drizzle; spring rice pilaf; cauliflower stir fry; butter carrots; and salad bar. Coconut cake is available for dessert. Cost is $15.12. Guests must register: please call Michelle at 207-288-1356.
LECTURE: The evening talk, ‘Conservation of Native Bees in Maine’ by Alison C. Dibble begins at 7:00 PM in Moore Auditorium. Dr. Dibble will offer practical, low-cost tips for how to improve bee and butterfly habitats around the home, in the woodlot, at businesses, and in parks. The lecture is free and open to the public
ART INSTALLATION: Prior to the lecture, attendees are welcome to celebrate the opening of a 2-week exhibition of Dr. Dibble’s paintings and drawings of native bees.
LODGING IS AVAILABLE: Private two bedroom apartment one room with a queen bed, one room with two twin beds, full bath, kitchen, living and dining rooms. Cost: $109.00
June 21, 12:00 – 1:00pm Brown Bag: A Lobsterman Tries Farming. Learn how six-generation and Corea, Maine lobster fisherman, Joe Young opened a small gallery to display his aunt’s photos, and ended up with a popular seasonal restaurant. Today, Young is farming oysters. Moore Auditorium – free and open to the public
June 22, 7:30 – 8:30pm The History of Maine Eiders and Islands in Art. Brad Allen, a biologist with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife will present “The History of Maine Eiders and Islands in Art– 170 years (or so) of Research.” Brad is a life-long Mainer, leaving only to earn his Master’s at the University of Montana in 1985. He has been employed by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for nearly 40 years and currently leads and directs the Bird Group within the Wildlife Research and Assessment Section. Moore Auditorium – free and open to the public
June 23, 7:30pm Genetics and Ecology of Diseases in Wild Birds Dr. Donald Dearborn of Bates College will discuss some of his own research on the genetics of the avian immune system from Kent Island, and address diseases that bird banders frequently encounter, such as pox, and Mycoplasmal conjunctivitis. Moore Auditorium – free and open to the public
Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park, Acadia Drive, Winter Harbor

June 3, 2:00pm: MDM Celebrates World Ocean Day How deep are the oceans? What amazing creatures live there? See and touch real ocean specimen, meet a tiny beach dweller and find out how YOU can help keep the oceans clean! Recommended for ages 4+
June 29, 11:00 – 11:30am and 2:00-2:30pm Slime Lab Discover slime in all its sticky, oozey glory! Try out new and surprising recipes while using real STEM science tools and methods. Recommended for ages 4+
Tuesdays, 11:00 – 11:30am Science Detectives Join us to explore the wonderful world of science! We will have a different hands-on science project or presentation each week, designed to introduce young learners to science topics through exploration and discovery. Recommended for ages 2-7
Thursdays, 11:00 – 11:30am Nature Time Every Thursday at 11:00 am we will explore one of MDM’s natural specimens or a phenomenon in nature. From meeting a live bearded dragon to planting flower seeds, we will investigate plants, animals, and more! Recommended for ages 3-7
Admission: FREE for members! $7.50 general admission
Maine Discovery Museum, 74 Main Street, Bangor

June 12; 7:00 – 8:00pm The expanding world of direct-to-consumer genetic tests Join The Jackson Laboratory (JAX) and the Jesup Memorial Library for the kick off of the series “You: A Novel Gene Story.” Dr. Charlie Wray, Director Courses and Conferences at JAX, will talk about the different genetic tests you can do yourself. Free and open to the public
Jesup Memorial Library, 34 Mt. Desert Street, Bar Harbor

June 1-2 Place-Based/Project-Based Education Retreat Teachers of all grade-levels will develop place-based education learning experiences for students.
Cost: $300/person; $250/person for teams of two or more. Some financial assistance may be available if the cost is a barrier to your participation; ages 21+
June 8-10 Introduction to Permaculture. Spend 2 days on beautiful Hurricane Island gaining first-hand understanding of Permaculture design with Jesse Watson of Midcoast Permaculture Design.
Cost: $425 for 3 days. Includes all transportation to/from the island, food, housing, course materials, access to staff and facilities. 12 contact hours. Limited to 15 participants; ages 18+
Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership, Mainland office: 19 Commercial St, Rockland

June 26, 2:00-3:00pm Magic Treehouse – Space Mission Ages 10 and under.
Regular public programs are available on Friday evenings at 7pm (Black Holes) – general audience; and Sunday afternoons at 2pm (Cosmic Colors) – ages 10 and under.
Tickets for planetarium programs are $6 for Adults, $5 for UMaine Students/Veterans/Senior Citizens, and $4 for children under 12.
Emera Astronomy Center, 167 Rangeley Road, University of Maine