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June 2016 events from Maine Science Festival Partners

Science doesn’t stop in Maine. Our partners have a number of public science events coming up in June.  See what’s happening near you and remember that #scienceiseverywhere.


June 9, 6:00 – 7:00pm. Camp Preview Family Hour. Meet Challenger staff, see the Center, try an activity, learn about the camps on offer this summer.

Challenger Learning Center of Maine, 30 Venture Way, Bangor, ME More information:


The Telephone Museum

June 18, 1:00-4:00pm. Exhibit opening, The First Hackers: Phone Phreaks vs. Ma Bell 1955-1970. A new exhibit that reveals what happened when a group of young, curious, inventive teenagers and outlaws discovered the secret doorways into the “world’s largest machine” – the Bell System Long Distance network. Inspired by Phil Lapsley’s popular book, Exploding The Phone, and displayed in the new Visitor Center the exhibit will take visitors on a journey that features not only the hackers, but also offers hands-on opportunities to play with the technology the phone phreaks exploited. Visitors are welcome at the exhibit’s opening on June 18 at 1:00 PM, when Mr. Lapsley will give a talk about the first hackers, followed by book signing until 4:00pm. Copies of Exploding The Phone will be available for purchase.

Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children

The Telephone Museum, 166 Winkumpaugh Road, Ellsworth


June 10, 5pm. Using Genetics to Save Species in Zoos and in the Wild. Talk by Dr. Robert C Fleischer, Head, Center for Conservation and Evolutionary Genetics, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, National Zoological Park, and National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. Doors open at 5pm, lecture from 5:30 – 6:30 PM, reception to follow

The Bar Harbor Club, Bar Harbor


Emera Astronomy Center has regular public programs each month on Friday evenings at 7pm (Stars!) and Sunday afternoons at 2pm (The Little Star that Could). More information

June 15 – planetarium program Cosmic Colors: An Adventure Along the Spectrum! June 22 – planetarium program Earth, Moon and Sun June 29 – planetarium program Undiscovered Worlds

Tickets for planetarium programs are $6 for Adults, $5 for UMaine Students/Veterans/Senior Citizens, and $4 for children under 12.

Emera Astronomy Center, 167 Rangeley Road, Orono


June 20, 5:00–6:00 pm, Kinne Library, Art Meets Science Café – A History of Scientists and Artists Working Together in Acadia. Catherine Schmitt, Communications Director of the Maine Sea Grant College Program at the University of Maine.

June 21, 7:00pm, Maren Auditorium. Cserr Lecture: Cellular Recycling in Aging and Disease: The Importance of Taking Out the Trash, Malene Hansen, Ph.D., Associate Professor, SBP Medical Discovery Institute. Hansen is using the roundworm, C. elegans, to study how evolutionarily conserved (basically unchanged throughout evolution) genetic pathways and processes modulate aging. She is focused on the role of autophagy, a cellular “recycling” process for damaged proteins that has been linked to age-related diseases including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The 22nd Cserr Lecture is given in memory of Helen F. Cserr, Ph.D., a distinguished scientist and researcher who worked at the MDI Biological Laboratory for 20 summers. Cserr used marine models to study the blood-brain barrier.

June 27, MDI Science Café – Should We Clone the Woolly Mammoth to Protect the Tundra from Climate Change? Kinne Library, MDI Biological Laboratory. Jacquelyn Gill, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Paleoecology and Plant Ecology, with a joint appointment with the Climate Change Institute and the School of Biology and Plant Ecology at the University of Maine. Doors open at 4:15 pm to view the 2016 exhibit A Fresh Field of Life: Artists, Naturalists and the Vision for Acadia.

June 30, 7:00pm, Maren Auditorium. Kinter Lecture: Living to be 150: How Soon? How Desirable?  Steven N. Austad, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor and Department Chair, Department of Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham. Austad studies many aspects of the biology of aging, from molecular processes to lifespan differences across species. He is especially interested in long-lived organisms such as the ocean quahog, a clam found off the coast of Maine that can live for 500 years or more. “They’ve sitting out there on the ocean floor since Shakespeare was born,” he notes. His interest in biology was awakened by a job training lions for the movie industry. The 34th Kinter Lecture is given in memory of William B. Kinter, Ph.D., an investigator at the MDI Biological Laboratory from 1963 until his untimely death in 1978. Kinter’s interest in the effect of toxic compounds in the environment led to landmark papers on the effect of pesticides on eggshell thinning in birds.


June 3 @ 6:00 am – 4:00 pm (cost $70.00), Acadia Birding Festival: Hands-on-Birding

June 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Plants on Maine’s Offshore Islands: Glen Mittelhauser. Maine’s island habitats are experiencing rapid changes. Glen Mittelhauser has conducted research on the flowering plants along the eastern Maine coast over the past 25 years. Come learn how past changes have influenced the flowering plants that currently occur on Maine islands, and gain insights into the potential effects of current and future changes.

June 16 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, Brown Bag Lunch Series – Wild Seed project. The seeds of wild plants have a different set of needs than those of garden and vegetable species. In this talk, Heather will describe the reproductive life cycle of several different types of native plants and explain how we can change our landscape practices to help support wild plant reproduction and survival. Growing native plants from seed is a different way to interact with our native flora and is an inexpensive way to produce a lot of plants. Heather will explain native seed sowing and out door propagation techniques.

June 22 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm, Climate Change for Beginners. This presentation will provide an historical perspective and overview of global warming. The latest scientific evidence regarding the causes of climate change will be described, and the potential consequences for the Earth, and Maine in particular, will be discussed. Steps to finding solutions to slow the rate of climate change will be highlighted.

June 24 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm, Brown Bag workshop and discussion – Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Maine: What’s Here, & What’s Next?  Types of alternative fuel vehicles and their benefits, and emerging technologies will be discussed. Examples of successful usage of alternative fuel vehicles in Maine – municipal fleets, company fleets and private vehicles. Also alternative fuels and other green initiatives in Acadia National Park and the Schoodic Institute. There will be an outdoor display of alternative fuel vehicles and demonstrations.

All events at Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park, Acadia Dr, Winter Harbor


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